About Trégart Capital A/S:
The company Tregart Capital was founded in 1993
The company was founded in 1993 by Lars Axeltoft Trégart after returning from a study and work stay in the USA where he brought a number of agencies in the field of skiing and outdoor equipment. In the years leading up to 1999, the company built 9 retail stores and employed approximately 50 employees within wholesale and trade in outdoor items. The interest in real estate was created during this period and a sale of the retail chain in 2000 enabled an increased focus on real estate development and investment in companies and properties.
The group has since been involved as in a number of companies and contributed organizationally and financially at all levels in the companies. The broad experience and interest in entrepreneurship has meant a continued large involvement in various start-ups of companies as an investor and advisor. In 2005, the group was among the first investors in Aberdeen Asset Mangement Denmark.
In the years 2008 and onwards, the group has participated in a number of major acquisitions of real estate portfolios in the financial sector as part of so-called “total solutions”. Today, the group consists of a number of equity interests primarily in real estate but also in a number of other companies. Today, the group is still 100% family-owned.
Small family-owned group
The group was among the first investors when Aberdeen established itself in Denmark in 2004. For a number of years, the group has played a positive role in so-called total acquisitions/solutions with debtors in a number of banks. The group employs employees within financing and consultancy, as well as architects, engineers and contractors on contractual agreements.